Twitter Api
Twitter for developers
In our upcoming project, we need to check our users’ social media accounts.
So I decided to have an idea of Twitter API beforehand the task blows in my hand :).
Twitter has a very well documented API for developers. And the API has some access levels we need to talk about:
- Free
- Basic
- Pro
In the free versions description it mentions that “For write-only use cases and testing the Twitter API.”
Also, you can only post 1500 per month. Don’t forget that we can only use this API with 1 app ID.
The Basic version has post 3000 per month, and you can use it with 2 different app IDs. It costs 100$.
Probably I am going to go with the free version or basic version.
Like I said, they have an exceptional documentation for the API and they have a Postman collection for you to try the endpoints.
Here you can find the Postman collection